Homemade Robotic Hands This project has been reported by the Forbes and Steve-rosenbaum. Forbes: Can A Robot Find You Love? NYU’s… Forbes Reported, Physical Computing, Robotic Hand
Mad Table Mad Table is one of the projects came from my dream, after I’ve seen the movie… FaceDetection, illusion
Corridor in the Wall This is a perspective illusion which can make the audiences believe there exists a Corridor inside… illusions, perspective
BoomChaCha! This project is Accepted by SIGCHI 2016! Introduction Video: Paper can be viewed here: Concept This is… ACM SIGCHI, Interactive Game, Physical Computing
Brainwave Minions This is an EEG&EMG project for body electricity. We designed a physical output in order to… BrainComputerInterface
One Punch This is the project I made in the WearHack, NYC. At beginning, I want to use… machine learning, MYO