Homemade Robotic Hands This project has been reported by the Forbes and Steve-rosenbaum. Forbes: Can A Robot Find You Love? NYU’s… Forbes Reported, Physical Computing, Robotic Hand
BoomChaCha! This project is Accepted by SIGCHI 2016! Introduction Video: Paper can be viewed here: Concept This is… ACM SIGCHI, Interactive Game, Physical Computing
One Punch This is the project I made in the WearHack, NYC. At beginning, I want to use… machine learning, MYO
Proposal https://backyardbrains.com/experiments/humanhumaninterface 1 Share: Twitter Facebook Google+…
Analysis of Interactive Elevators Though not designed for the disables, elevators were designed initially for industry usage. Since People…
Machine Hand I want to build a machine hand based on human-input, like the Featured picture showed: I…